Serendipity (book series)

Serendipity is a series of children's books about animals and other creatures. The books were written by Stephen Cosgrove (b. July 26, 1945) and illustrated by Robin James. The books are short stories with colorful illustrations that have a moral perspective.

Cosgrove wrote the books after searching for an easy to read book with a message to read to his then three year-old daughter. After searching for such books and finding primarily large expensive books, he decided to write his own. Cosgrove teamed up with illustrator James to create low cost softcover books. After attempting to have the books published only to be rejected, receiving an offer to publish the books only in hardcover, Cosgrove created his own publishing company - Serendipity Press. The first four books of the Serendipity Series was first released in 1974. These books are: Serendipity, The Dream Tree. Wheedle on the Needle and The Muffin Dragon. Cosgrove merged Serendipity Press with the publishing company, Price/Stern/Sloan-Penguin/Putnum in 1978 so that Cosgrove could focus on writing. Cosgrove decided to re-edit his earlier books, which have been republished with the changes. To date, there are 70 books in the series and are written at the Kindergarten-3rd grade level.[1]

The animals in the Serendipity books include both real animals such as bears, cats, dogs, horses, squirrels, rabbits. There also are mythical creatures, such as unicorns, dragons, sea monsters, and pegasus to name a few. Cosgrove also invented his own creatures such as the wheedle, hucklebug and kritter.

The stories told in the series teach children important lessons because they are based on real-life situations. The books present moral issues that kids have to deal with in life, such as growing up, disabilities, abuse, fear, friendship, prejudice, gossip, and helping the environment.

The book series was adapted into a 26-episode anime series entitled Serendipity the Pink Dragon.

List of Books in the Serendipity Series

Title Copyright Year Moral
Bangalee 1976 Being clean and tidy makes life easier for yourself and others
Buttermilk before 2003 The dark of the night can make ordinary things seem scary
Buttermilk Bear 1995 or earlier An open mind is the key to conquering all kinds of prejudice
Butterwings 1993 Laughing at yourself can be the most fun of all
Cap'n Smudge 1977 Everyone deserves a chance to do something good
Catundra 1981 Healthy food and exercise keep you well in body and mind
Crabby Gabby 1985 Having fun while playing a game is more important than winning
Creole 1975 True beauty comes from within
Crickle-Crack Example It's important to know when to say "no"
Dragolin Example You can be your best if you really believe in yourself
Dream Tree 1974 Though it is sometimes hard to wait, growing up comes soon enough
Fanny 1986 Being handicapped is only a state of mind
Feather Fin Example There's no place like home
Flutterby 1995 Be just who you are
Flutterby Fly Example Gossip is harmful -- and usually filled with lies
Frazzle 2003 Children need love and attention from the very beginning
Gabby 1983 Silence can be golden. Learn to listen to others.
Gigglesnatcher 1988 or earlier Example
Glitterby Baby Example Sometimes love forces us to make difficult choices
Grumpling 1989 Good manners are important
Hucklebug 1975 Even though you have chores to do, home is still the place to be
In Search of the Saveopotomus Example It's best to take only what you need
Jake O'Shawnasey 1975 If you believe in yourself, you can do anything
Jalopy Example Language can sometimes be used as a barrier
Jingle Bear Example Father Snow will only come when all little bears are asleep
Kartusch 1978 Beauty is not only in the eye, but in all of the senses
Kiyomi 1984 Conceit can make you blind to what is really beautiful
Lady Rose 1990 Those who are gone are never forgotten
Leo the Lop 1977 Normal is whatever I am, and ...?
Leo the Lop: Tail 2 1979 You are best just who you are
Leo the Lop: Tail 3 1980 You can always play with you
Leo the Lop: Tail 4 (aka Grampa Lop) 1981 Make time for stories and books
Little Mouse on the Prairie 1978 Laughter makes work much easier
Maui-Maui 1978 Take only what you need from nature
Maydard's Mermaid Example Your own imagination can be a good friend
Memily Example Whether you're short, tall or medium, you're perfect just as you are
Ming Ling Example Sharing your environment with others is rewarding
Minikin 1984 or earlier You're special just the way you are
Misty Morgan Example Remember that there is a time for work and a time for play
Morgan and Me Example Treat others the way you would like them to treat you
Morgan and Yew 1982 Love is the most important possession we can have
Morgan Mine Example To have a friend you must be a friend
Morgan Morning Example Sometimes we must lose in order to gain
Muffin Dragon (aka. Muffin Muncher) 1974 When we work together there's more to share
Mumkin Example Fear of losing what you have can rob you of the joy of sharing
Napoleon Rainbow Example Example
Nitter Pitter Example Vanity can cost you friends
Persnickity 1988 We each have our own idea of perfection
Pish-Posh Example Every creature is useful and special in its own way
Poppyseed Example Being a big brother or sister is a special job
Puddle Pine, The Example Protect the forests for they are important to everyone
Raz-ma-taz 1982 Showing off is not a good way to get loving attention
Rhubarb 1988 To have a friend, you must be a friend
Sadie 1994 Example
Sassafrass 1988 Kindness is always appreciated more than sarcasm
Serendipity 1974 Knowing who you really are will bring you happiness
Shimmeree Example Don't be afraid of what is different from you
Snaffles Example Example
Sniffles Example When we exaggerate everything, we often forget what the truth is
Sooty Footy Example Friends don't take advantage of each other
Squabbles 1990 Buttermilk has the courage to get involved (theme of abuse)
Squeakers Example It is important to learn to say "No!" to situations that make you uncomfortable
Tail of Three Tails Example Example
Tee Tee Example Learning who we are is an important lesson
The Gnome From Nome Example Love and friendship can warm the coldest day
Tickle's Tale Example Sometimes too much curiosity can get you into trouble
Trafalgar True Example Learning to share can bring us closer together
Trapper 1981 Everyone can enjoy nature if we all let it be
Wheedle on the Needle 1974 Cooperation can solve almost any problem
Zippity Zoom Example It is important to take the time to enjoy life

External references
